Saturday, May 28, 2011


For those of you who may not have heard yet, it has come to the attention of city hall that Atomic Bean Cafe is hosting events for which they do not have a permit. What does this mean you say? I know, I was confused and so were the people at the Bean. Well apparently you need a permit to DANCE in an establishment in cambridge. An inspector needs to come by and make sure the room is "safe" for dancing. The kind folk at the Bean tried really hard to get us this permit for Sunday, but because of the short notice they were not able to. I apologize that this had to happen right before the final good bye milonga. The good news is that we will be having the milonga celebration at NETA instead. THEY WON'T STOP US FROM DANCING!!! the other good news is that once they can arrange for the inspector to come, and he gives us the okay, the milonga at Atomic Bean can continue, with our new wonderful organizers, Gabrielle and Eve. SO this sunday we hope to see you and say good bye at NEW ENGLAND TANGO ACADEMY, where milonga nueva happens. 620 Cambridge Street, Cambridge.

Monday, March 21, 2011

1 year anniversary!

Thanks to everyone who made it out last night to the 1 year anniversary milonga!!! I can't believe its already been 1 year of crazy alternative fun! the milonga will continue with the following dates in April: April 3rd and 17th. Please mark your calendars! and check back for further updates or join the facebook group "Boston Alternative Milonga" to recieve news of upcoming events!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Special Valentine's Milonga

whoopsies, I've been bad about keeping up on the news. But the latest and greatest is that we will be having a special Valentine's Milonga on Sunday, February 13th, with guest dj and a totally awesome wonderful superb human being, Elise Bismuth-Reisman!
I am so excited! and I hope you are too! by the way, festive attire is absolutely encouraged! bring out your reds and pinks! bring "sexy back!" whatever you feel is necessary to make this the funnest, awesomest night ever!
The milonga will be at the usual place, usual time: Atomic Bean Cafe, 904 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, 7-10 pm. Bring your friends, bring your dates, bring your wonderful smiling, fun selves!!!
see you there!!
Oh and don't forget that this sunday is the next alternative milonga! and then another on the 6th and then its valentines!!